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Hans Lysander
Illustration d’une personne avec un ordinateur
Bonjour, Guten Tag, Hello

I'm a web developer and I love what I do.

My name is Lysander Hans and I'm studying Computer graphics design in the option web-multimedia at Haute École de La Province de Liège and I'm currently searching an Internship.

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As a web developer, my interest is not only in developing websites, design and illustration are also aspects that fascinate me. As an intern, I would mainly support your team in development, but I would also be happy to share my ideas with the designers.



L’image sans nom

Image montrant le projet L’image sans nom

L'image sans nom is a place that aims to create a meeting point for all lovers of books and photography. Since February 2018, L’image sans som, under the direction of Olivier Cornil and Emmanuel d'Autreppe, has been offering a series of events for young and old, workshops and meetings, readings and demonstrations, exhibitions and lectures and seminars, etc.

See work L’image sans nom

Curriculum vitae

Image montrant le projet Curriculum vitae

Analysis For analysis, I first looked at the design elements, these are, the colors, the fonts, the grid, and the spacing. Thus, I was able to define the correct variables in my _variables.scss file. Then I observed the behavior of the carousel and the form so that I could abstract it. Development I went through […]

See work Curriculum vitae

Chess Teaching Tool

Image montrant le projet Chess Teaching Tool

The electron app "Chess Teaching Tool" is my end-of-study project at Haute École de La Province de Liège. As the name suggests, the app is a tool for giving online chess lessons. As a coach, I encountered the problem during confinement: "How do I teach chess online? ".

See work Chess Teaching Tool
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